Use Speed To Get Lean!
The Sprinting Handbook For Lifters.
$30, $9
Publisher: Fitman Performance Training, LLC
Language: English
File Type: PDF
Print Length: 230 pages
107 pages (main eBook)
73 pages (training programs)
45 pages (nutrition guide)
4 pages (exercises list)
I developed a lean, muscular physique, became a pro natural bodybuilder, and a nationally ranked master’s level sprinter by using the programs detailed in my eBook, Use Speed To Get Lean, The Sprinting Handbook For Lifters.
But it was not always this way. In fact, for the majority of my life, I was skinny, underdeveloped, lacking confidence, and below average on the athlete scale. I did not like how I looked, felt, or performed but instead of complaining about it, I did something about it.
I started and developed a training and nutrition program that if it is followed consistently produces leaner, stronger, and more athletic physiques. If you are tired of spinning your wheels at the gym and not getting the phenomenal results that you want, you are in the right place.
This program is so effective that I already know what the outcome will be if someone is consistent and committed to the program. Are you ready to unleash your inner greatness?
“Who Is Fitman?”
“What Are His Credentials?”
“And Most Of All- WHY Should I Trust Him?”

Fitman Has Been Seen On:

Hey, everybody, it’s your man Fitman!
I’m the proud owner of The Fitman Performance Center which is based in Roslyn, just outside beautiful Philadelphia, PA.
I’m an NGA Pro Natural Bodybuilder, a USATF Masters Sprinter, and a certified coach through the National Academy Of Sports Medicine (NASM PES, FNS, BCS). I specialize in athletic performance, physique development, nutritional counseling, and also the implementation of positive behavioral changes.
In college, I competed as a competitive sprinter at East Stroudsburg and West Chester University and fell in love not only with sprinting, but fitness as well. Once I was able to perform at a higher and more elite level, I knew I’d found my calling in the iron game.
Since then, I’ve been competitive in both natural bodybuilding, powerlifting, and masters track competitions. In 2014 and 2015 I was nationally recognized as one of the top personal trainers in America by Men’s Health Magazine. I was a back-to-back finalist in the Next Top Trainer competition.
I started my first blog in 2010. Since then my fitness articles and training programs have been published in popular publications online that includes Muscle and Strength, T-Nation, Breaking Muscle, Philly Fit, and Black Fitness Today.
In 2013, I became the only person to complete the ultimate training challenge, the Lunges of Death, and in 2015, I resumed my track career as a Master’s Sprinter.
In 2022, earned the highest title of my career to date by winning the NGA Mr. Natural Philadelphia bodybuilding competition. It took me 12 years to accomplish this, but winning made every single second worth it.
Now I’ve put all of my years of experience, wisdom and knowledge into something really special for you that’s going to transform your body in a number of very positive ways. It’ll be like having your own expert trainer at your side (but without the huge costs or conflicting time schedules) when you need it.
Get fired up, because what I’ve created for you below is something that is going to totally change your body and give you the self-confidence and feeling of success that you really want.
© Copyright 2023 Fitman Performance Training, LLC.